Someone asked me: what can we use AI for?
I just programmed a small piece AI software for a driverless Taxi..
The driverless taxi drives according to Geo coordinates, what we call GPS
The taxi can also maneuver inside the city and, via distance judgement, brake when you get close to dangerous situations.
The revolutionary thing about AI is that with the new, extremely fast artificial intelligence calculation method in combination with an extremely faster response to intelligent SQL calls.
I have tried to illustrate a situation where the new fast AI architecture will change everyday life for everyone.
We have experimented a lot with driverless cars and taxi transport, and have also seen limitations in the software that has been available to date.
Google has experimented with driverless buses and taxis in cities, but a driverless taxi has never been released onto the road at a speed of over 100 km/h.
The reaction time - the response time of the known software is simply too slow.
I have, in a very simple way, tried to illustrate how the new extremely fast AI software can replace the bus or taxi driver who drives on the road at more than 100 KMh.
The same architecture can be used in military weapon systems where the extremely fast AI software can at a speed Mach 6. Visually capture and shoot down an SU-57 with a cheap 2000W Laser burner.
1. The software here is used in a driverless taxi on the way from
Copenhagen to Paris at 150 KMh.
On the highway, a deer suddenly jumps onto the road (one of those situations where experience and quick thinking are really needed)
2. The AI - "artificial intelligence" software takes a photo of the situation in a flash. - -
The software calculates the checksum of the image, searches the database for recognition
3. AI - determines the species of the animal and announces whether it is a male or a female.
If it is a female, the AI finds 10 records in the database.
8 records have a Checksum of 12345678912
2 records have the Checksum 12345678910
AI calculates that in 8 out of 10 cases, 1 or more baby deer will follow across the road after the deer AI has recognized as a female deer a split second ago.
The driverless Taxi "AI software" slows down and is aware that there may be several deer on their way crossing the road.
Precisely AI's handling of this or a similar situation will change a lot for humanity.
AI "Artificial intelligence" has extremely quickly "inferred" that something else would probably happen following a given situation. - - the most revolutionary is the Response speed, which is especially useful in Hyper sonic weapon systems.
The AI has got "eyes", and can extremely quickly warn against a danger that results from what the AI sees.
Artificial intelligence will during the next 10 years, divide humanity into an A and a B team
The question is who will be the A or B team and who will be "The first mover"